Homeless : Housed explored the issues of homelessness, housing policy, and home through artifacts, graphics, and audio recordings. Conceived as a piece of super-furniture to promote conversation, the pavilion featured a long table containing content, moveable stools, an elevated deck, and a canopy. Visitors from all walks of life were welcome to sit, look, listen, and join the conversation.
It was installed on the New Haven Green as part of the International Festival of Arts and Ideas, developed in partnership with Columbus House, designed by Lani Barry and Benjamin Olsen, and built by the students of the Yale School of Architecture.
Jim Vlock First Year Building Project
Alan Organschi and Amy Lelyveld, advisors
As I Sat On The Green,
I watched people busy
themselves walking with
their Walkman
reading books or talking with
their lovers
I wonder how many of them were
homeless too.
I watched others as they took
naps in the
lush grass. I wonder if they were
enjoying the beauty of the day, or if they were
homeless too.
A man carrying a shopping bag
asked me for a
cigarette, handing me a quarter
while explaining
to me that he was trying to quit.
I wonder if he was
homeless too.
A group of people sitting
together on a bench
with duffel bags beside them
talking and laughing
loudly -- almost grateful to be
heart that they were
but I still wonder
because they did not look any
different from the
others on the green. Of all the
people I saw yesterday
the only one I knew was
homeless was...ME.
— Denise Potter